I'd like to announce that we have 3 more users on this site who have earned the Announcer badge:
Awarded May 3rd to ciacibaiciacibai
Awarded May 4th to Ryan MartensRyan Martens
Awarded May 1th to Jean TabakaJean Tabaka
The users awarded this badge have shared links to questions on this site that have helped drive organic growth and interest in this site, which increases our visits from search engines and drives this site closer to public launch.
The next site-building badge these users will aim for is the Silver Booster badge:
About the Booster BadgeAbout the Booster Badge
Thank you for helping to promote this site and moving us towards the goal of 10 Announcer, Booster, or Publicist badges by May 15th. We need 4 more to meet our goal.