You love your site and we love your site, but there is a whole world of people out there who might not even know it exists. When they do find it, their first impression will either scare them away or keep them around. Given this, let's take a hard look at the questions and answers here and make sure newcomers see the site at its best!
Below you'll find ten questions randomly selected from this site. What do you think about each of them and their answers? Are they the best they can be or can they be improved? Would they look interesting and inviting to an outsider or are they a little embarrassing?
Upvote the corresponding post here on meta when we're awesome. Downvote when our content just isn't quite up to par.
Oh, and do comment to let everyone know your thoughts and take part in this conversation. :)
Wow. Thank you, everybody, for taking part and leaving lots of comments. :) It is really encouraging to see the involvement, the discussion, and the edits.
It looks to me like you guys have a pretty firm grasp on your scope. There are a few things to iron out, and I'm happy to see additional meta discussions popping up.
By the numbers, your stats look pretty good. Questions per day could use some improvement, but at the end of the day it's better to have fewer good questions rather than more bad questions.
I'd say keep doing what you're doing in terms of quality. Figure out the lingering bits of scope issues that were brought up from this evaluation. We'll do this again eventually to see how you're progressing.
Till next time...