I think a question about using Scrum and Kanban to manage family or personal projects could be on-topic; however, as it stands the example is a "getting to know you" polling question.
Simply asking people to raise their hands and say "yes, I've done this" is the type of question we try to avoid because it could theoretically attract tens or hundreds of competing answers. Theoretically... this won't happen here because we're a smaller site, but the result is still the same: Having people say "sure, I did that" won't give you a definitive idea of what the best answer is.
Here are some tips on how you could expand on this idea:
Focus on a problem you're facing using Scrum or Kanban to manage a personal or family project. Real problems, real questions, have answers that can be extremely helpful, not just to you but also to future visitors.
You could ask a theory question, but make sure you're focusing on something that will get answers, not just a list of people who have tried this.
Finally, I can't promise this would be on-topic, but at this stage in our growth, I encourage us to try new things and see how it goes in terms of community acceptance. To make sure it's accepted, make sure there's a project management aspect to the question.
If it doesn't work, we can edit the post and see if it would work on the Personal Productivity site, as Aarthi suggests.
As an aside, if you want to discuss the topic, as opposed to asking a definitive question, I encourage you to try and entice people into our chat room. Chat works great for discussions or getting a feel for who might have tried something. :)