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3 answers

What is the correct etiquette on discovering a "dodgy" question?

As a normal non-moderator, low rep user, what is my correct course of action on reading a new question that has issues, for example it is likely off-topic? I have several choices: I can downvote I ...
Marv Mills's user avatar
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How Should "Looking for PM Software That Does X" Questions Be Handled?

Several community members on PMSE have flagged questions recently where the question-asker polls the community in an attempt to locate software that solves a specific problem. Below are some ...
jmort253's user avatar
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Why isn't this question closed, or locked?

I'm curious why this question hasn't been closed, or at least locked. What is the Project Management book that left the most impact on you? It seems like a straight polling question, with most ...
Andrew Clear's user avatar
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Closing doesn't really work. What other options do we have?

A pattern I observe over and over again is that at PMSE it's basically impossible to get question closed unless one of moderators kicks in. There's just too few people who care enough, or understand ...
Pawel Brodzinski's user avatar