The link you provided is great!
The first phrase to come to my mind to answer this:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime.
So, instead of doing a massive amount of edits that adds low / no value and having them stockpiling on the edition queue, you could add comments on these questions to teach people on how to proper ask a question.
Alternatively, once you get 1k rep, you get the edit priviledge and you can improve questions as much as possible. Notice, however:
Tiny, trivial edits are discouraged - try to make the post
significantly better when you edit, correcting all problems that you
All in all, the idea is ok-ish, but I would refrain from massively update questions only because of it.
- Best case scenario you're creating a big queue of editions with low value.
- Worst case scenario people may think you're just doing this for rep / badges.
Suggestion - as you go through the questions and answers, suggest edits that could add value. Steadily keep doing this and your rep will increase. Then, once you get the 1k barrier, you could edit these by yourself (again, never massivelly, otherwise you're flooding the Top Question view).