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6 votes

Uncommented downvotes

Analysis In comments, I mentioned that comments aren't mandatory on Stack Exchange, and that there almost 800 questions on Stack Exchange Meta about this issue. In general, the mechanic that applies ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
4 votes

Product Management questions - 2020 edition

As it stands, the best (and latest) answer for this question is available on THIS ANSWER from Todd. I share the TL;DR excerpt here: Product management as it relates to project management is certainly ...
4 votes

Are terminology & comparison related questions on-topic?

TL;DR Most of these questions will be off-topic. There may be occasional exceptions, but I wouldn't hold my breath. The question cited was answerable, but I personally consider it a poor-quality ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
4 votes

Users writing tags in title

The link you provided is great! The first phrase to come to my mind to answer this: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. So, ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
3 votes

Question asking for a link

As I read the question, it does not (only) ask for the location of the latest Scrum guide, but it also askes if and how the Scrum process is versioned. Based on that, I did come to the conclusion that ...
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
3 votes

Users writing tags in title

Think About Semantic Clarity of the Question Context matters, and clarity is often the determining factor for me when I review titles. For example: ruby: chars in var name This is a terrible title ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
3 votes

Are terminology & comparison related questions on-topic?

I see this in a slightly different approach. What's more important? To accept as valid some questions that cannot have a canonical answer or to leave the community without any answers at all? ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
3 votes

Uncommented downvotes

This site is getting ridiculous. The negative votes with no comments are frustrating. It is clearly an agile-centric site now with all other answer being wrong.
David Espina's user avatar
  • 37.2k
2 votes

Uncommented downvotes

I hear you - but on other sites where I participate, explanations on comments are invitations to personal abuse. This leads to arguments in comments which, IMHO, damage the site far more than the ...
MCW's user avatar
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2 votes

Uncommented downvotes

There's been a lot of discussion around downvoting lately, and here's the current takeouts - and what can be done (just to keep my answer aligned to the question :D) Downvoting trending information: ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
2 votes

Question asking for a link

The question was based on a misunderstanding of how Scrum is "versioned." There's no "Scrum 2.0" or "Scrum 3.0", so the question itself was flawed. The accepted answer ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
1 vote

Handling of a Bad Question with Upvoted and Accepted Answer

Self-Resolved by Editing and Answering I updated the question to keep the core of the OP's question intact. I removed the red herring of "hierarchy" from the question along with a few other ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
1 vote

Handling of a Bad Question with Upvoted and Accepted Answer

I don't see a lot of these problems. First, I don't agree that SAFe is "intrinsically hierarchical". Although it's presented as a hierarchy, that seems to be more of a hierarchy of flow (of ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 19.9k

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