PM is about best practices, processes, tools, and techniques related to Project Management. Sometimes a question is tagged as: "shopping question" when people ask about some tool recommendation or best practices when it is by definition what is PM about.
For this particular site, I think we should have a specific moderator mindset. For programming language Q&A site related such as a Java, Perl, HTML, it is pretty forward to identify a shopping question, but not for this particular case, where the core of this knowledge area is about best practices, processes, procedures, techniques, and tools.
Looking into Help Center for the question: What topics can I ask about here?, there is a specific mention about: "Tool Usage in Project Management", according to this explanation questions related to the usage of any PM tool related can be asked, but sometimes there are questions considered as "shopping question" when someone ask for the best way to do something using a particular tool.
In the same question from the Help Center, is explained that this site is not about for: Shopping Questions (keep in mind this post is from 2010, 7 years ago!). The post refers to question types related to specific products, such as camera, Macbook vs, etc. There is no a close example for a situation that can apply to PM site.
How can be considered a shopping question applicable for this particular PM site given the situation that PM is about to follow best practices, established by the industry or specific communities?
Here in PM Meta, there is the following question: Can I ask Jira specific question?, the answer is Yes, but sometimes a similar question related to other tools is considered as shopping question.
For example, I posted the following question: Good All-in-one excel template for SCRUM framework?, looking for best practices or best well known excel templates for using SCRUM, it was considered as:
- Out of Project Management according to the scope defined in Help Center
- Shopping question
About the first reason, it is a question about SCRUM, that is included in the PM site scope and about the second one, I think this concept has to be customized to the subject of this site. The question is asking for specific PM tool usage (i.e. following the PM site scope definition). It is related to the Excel usage in the context of SCRUM. Nor is a question like Excel vs Google Sheets for SCRUM.
By the way, a similar question, was posted in Quora: Has anybody successfully managed Scrum with Excel as the key tool?, therefore it seems a reasonable question, that can be asked in a similar site, but not here.
The purpose of this question it to provoke a reflexion about it by the moderators and members of this community that are probably using this shopping question criterion as a golden hammer applying the same mindset as in other similar Stack Exchange sites that are product/programming language specific. I would also suggest re-evaluating what is a shopping question for the context of this PM site. This site is about PM, that is highly related to the best practices about techniques tools and techniques and not product specific.